Friday, September 25, 2009

Recent Yarn Acquisitions

This has been a great month for stash enhancements so thought I would take a few minutes to share...and get your thoughts! Perhaps these photos (though some, a bit blurry) may inspire you as well to explore yarn you may not have used before.

During my visit to Purl Soho, I picked up these two beautiful blends by Manos del Uruguay. One is a dramatic display of pinks and purples, the other golds and greens.

Lion Brand Yarn Studio was having a sale on Fishermen's Wool. I've made a scarf before with Fishermen's Wool before and I really like it. I am thinking about creating a patchwork scarf with small squares of alternating one color combination with the other. Still noodling, but intrigued about what I could do with this.

Here's 3 skeins of Cotswold Wool from a farm on the coast of Nova Scotia that I purchased at The Loop Craft Cafe in Halifax. The yarn is not dyed, and reflects the natural color of the sheep it came from. I loved this yarn, too, as I wanted some yarn that was uniquely Canadian.

While visiting the Lion Brand Yarn Studio I also picked up two skeins of Lion in Denim (various shades of blue) and Salt & Pepper (with which I am knitting a ballband dishcloth as seen here).

So, with 15 new skeins of yarn added to the stash, I have a lot of ideas - I know typically one should have a project in mind and buy yarn for it accordingly. But, in this case, I fell in love with what I saw, and will determine the designs based on the yarn.

Regardless, knitting future projects with these yarns will bring back the wonderful memories of my trip - and I hope, will bring joy to those who receive the items I create.


  1. I love the yarn from the loop especially that it is natural those are always prized posessions of us yarnies!! Looks like you had a ball, ha, get it!! Cant wait until you use it you must bring it to group!

  2. Now I need to find the right pattern to use to create something with this yarn...any suggestions?

  3. Hey Brian!
    I am new to your blog.
    I absolutely love Manos del Uruguay yarn, YUMMY! I made a promise to myself last year to use up my stash, and I am about there. I am thinking it's time to go yarn shopping!
    Can't wait to see what you do with your new acquisitions1
    ~Michele from By Your Side

  4. Michele! Thanks for visiting my blog and sharing your thoughts! If you've got some suggestions on good scarf patterns for the Manos, I'd love to get your thoughts!
